Bowling For Coats! It’s That Time Again!
Candy’s Coats for Kids Presents Families & Friends Bowling Together to Strike a Difference – Annual Fundraiser Saturday, August 19, 2017 This is Candy’s Coats for Kids annual fundraiser. Money raised will enable our organization to purchase winter items such as: coats, accessories and personal care items for under-resourced families. Time 3:00 PM – 6:00 […]
Families & Friends Bowling Together to Strike a Difference
Why participate? This event brings people together to have fun for a great cause. 100 percent of the funds raised will directly benefit children and families in need by keeping them warm during the winter months. Great raffle prizes will be available. Raffle tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5 or 25 tickets for $20 There will […]
Helping Kids is What it’s All About
Greetings Friends, We have been very busy shopping for coats and distributing them to some very special children. Take a look at what we have been up to. We thank God for his continued blessings!
A Big Thank You!
Greetings Friends, We would like to thank you for participating in our personal care and coat drive this year. Please keep in mind that even though the drive is over you can still donate. It's Fall in Chicago; we still have a long winter to look forward to. Many families have and will continue to [...]
Personal Care and Coat Drive Season Kickoff
Greetings Friends, How would you like to team up with Candy’s Coats for Kids to assist area families? We will be kicking off our personal care and coat drive starting October 1 through November 1. Items collected will be distributed to families in dire need of our support. Listed below are the items we are [...]
Staying Warm with Wolves?
Candy’s Coats for Kids holds and attends various fund-raising events to help bring funds and awareness to help keep kids warm. Some events include the Chicago Wolves Hockey team, Outback Steakhouse, and many others.
I Got a New Coat!
Another successful coat distribution day! With the help and hard work of Candy’s Coats for Kids we were able to distribute coats to little girls like these. Just look at those smiles!
Keeping Kids Warm: Coat Distribution Day
Another child fortunate to have help from people like you. This was a fun day and more importantly a lot of deserving children got some new coats!
Coat Distribution
It’s fulfilling to know one, two, twenty, or more kids are going to be much more comfortable when it’s cold out because of the kind and generous people that also feel a sense of fulfillment when they help out a child in need. Try it out, you’ll feel good about yourself and make a kid feel great!
Candy’s Coats for Kids
The mission of Candy’s Coats For Kids, Inc. is to reach out to families and individuals in need by providing essential necessities to help keep them ward, fed, educated and most importantly to help make them feel like worthy human beings. Candy’s Coats for Kids is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization, incorporated in May 2005 […]